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Assalaamu Alaykum, Please read it carefully and forward to others May Allah reward you the Paradise! Think about it .... Are you going to forward this, or delete it Just remember-Allah is watching you. When you receive this, say a prayer ( دعاء (for the person that sent it to you.... There are no costs, but wonderful rewards( مكافأة عظيمة ). Let's continue praying for one another. As we look at this article we realize how true the Messenger (P. B.U.H) was these signs were prophesized 1400 years ago!!! Take a look.... Now this is scary( مخيف ) but soooooo TRUE!!!! Ø      Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport; Ø      People will ride on saddles( المركبات الفاخرة ) that aren't saddles (cars?) Ø      The distance on earth will become short; تم طي المسافات Ø      Horses will not be used in wars; Ø      Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which...


Assalamualaikum,                                                                                                                       On the 9th of Dhull-Hijjah at Mount Arafat, the prophet (peace be upon Him), delivered his farewell sermon. After praising ALLAH, He said: "O people! Listen attentively to me for I do not know whether I will be among you after this year! Listen to what I am saying to you very care...


The wisdom behind dusting one bed sheet before sleeping. And why we should dust our bed sheet? This is what we are going to reveal and here is when the scientific challenge and the conclusion by western scientists: When someone sleeps, some dead cells die and are dropped onto his bed sheet.. And whenever he wakes up, he leaves it behind and hence it accumulates. This dead cells are invisible by naked eyes and can hardly be destroyed. When the quality of these dead cells increases, they easily penetrate back into the body causing serious disinfectant such as Dettol and the like, but all in vain... The dead cells neither moved nor disappear. One of scientist said, he tried the dusting as in the Hadith three times and was astonished to find that all the dead cells disappeared!! The Prophet SAW said: Whoever goes to his bed, he should dust his bed three times, because he doesn't know what was left behind. Most people think it is a way of eliminating small insects but don't kn...

FASHIONABLE ABAYAS (Fashions are a popular dress style in our daily lives today)

Fashions are a popular dress style in our daily lives today. These fashions includes clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle and body. Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend, it is the style in which people present themselves. Talking about Mummy Treasure's cityofkhair. Mummy Treasure's fashion is locally made to befits you however you need it, our wears are fashionable and decent in all styles, cityofkhair is where you can get any western, local and Islamic wears, trust me, with our fashions your look automatically gets updated, looking good they say! Is a good business. So don't be left out, come rock your lovely dresses at our place Mummy Treasure's cityofkhair . You can also get lovely materials and quality wrappers here. Come, welcome to bring out your best look at city of khair. Your good look is our concern.

The Daily ISLAMIC Reminder (How do You Enjoy Offering Your SALAAT?)

HOW DO YOU ENJOY OFFERING YOUR SALAAT? Bismillahi Rahmaanir Raheem. There is nothing important in life than our 5 daily Salaat which we must offer seeking ALLAH'S Mercy and protection on earth and Paradise. Performing our Salaat regularly and on time is what certify us as Muslims and Salaat is the difference between us and non-Muslims. Let's face the reality, when we are sick, even delicious food doesn't taste good. Why? Because we are sick, there is something wrong with us. There is nothing wrong with the food isn't it? The pleasure of Salaat is the same. We don't taste the sweetness of Salaat because we have diseased souls that are preventing us from experiencing the amazing pleasure of Salaah. One of the priorities of Sheitan is to help us feel lazy in our obedience to Allah and help us love sinning as we see everyday, everywhere. Many freely walk with their Haraam relationship partners as if we don't know Allah has warned us against it. We've...

TAQWA (Explain to your children how Taqwa is the major part of our Religion and how to instill in our lives.)

Explain to your children how Taqwa is the major part of our Religion and how to instill in our lives. What is Taqwa? Taqwa is not only about Manners, Taqwa is not about looking Islamic, Taqwa is not about sporting a beard or wearing a Hijab, Taqwa is not about appearance. BUT Taqwa is when you miss a prayer, you feel uneasy the whole day. Taqwa is when you speak a lie, you feel bad. Taqwa is the guilt that fellows when you hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly. Taqwa is the shame and regret that follows a sin you committed knowing well how it stands in sight of Allah. Taqwa is when you cannot sleep after disobeying or disrespecting your parents. Taqwa is to cry in the depths of nigth fearing none but the one above the Arsh. Taqwa is the fear that refrains us from sinning when nobody familiar is around. Taqwa is the guts and the will to please Allah, even when the whole world is hell bent on displeasing Him. Taqwa is to wear that beard and Hijab for th...


This is a very delicate topic almost every Muslim youth and some aged fall short. "Dating" as seen in the West today is entirely Haram and a no go area to well-mannered Muslim, because dating as defined by western culture is NOT devoid of sex, alcoholism and other vices that are frowned against in Islam. However, can a male and a female Muslim initiate talks before marriage? My answer is YES! Because you need to know each other well enough. Get to know each other's attitude and then initiate marital process. If this is called dating, then i don't see anything wrong with that. FEAR ALLAH(GOD) Be mindful of Allah in all your affairs and at the time you talk to each other. Know that you both are under ALLAH'S watch and beware that there shall be a day for reckoning. As soon as you are satisfied with each other's behavior, then go ahead and get married. Introduce him or her to your family and leave all affairs to Almighty Allah.


Hello everyone, My name is Ummi as mummy treasure. Am from Edo State of Nigerian. I am a graduate of Computer Science  and a fashion designer, also a caterer. The name of my business page on facebook is Cityofkhair. Decency is what its take to be a social, modern and bring out the Professional fashion woman in you. My regular fashion includes; Kimonos, Hijabs, Jackets, Abayas, long skirts, veils, fitted gowns, and of course any fashionable dresses you can thing of. Below is some picture samples of my fashion and more.


Dear brothers and sisters in islam. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakat. My dear brothers and sisters in islam, this is a reminder that is so dear to my heart, as such for Allah's sake pay heed to it and make steps towards correction if you are guilty and/or advice someone that may be guilty. Again, this reminder is as a result of numerous complaints around us. It is also as a results of some post i have been seeing on social media regarding how rampant the youth especially when they die without marriage every single day. The situation we have found ourselves in and the nature of society we are living. So please make time and read my next post tomorrow Insha'aAllah.


As a Muslim, if there is something you want in life and you are not praying Tahajjud for it at night, then, you don't really want it. May Almighty Allah Grant us understanding.

Trust God

Remind yourself that the Almighty doesn't just tell you to do something, he guides you through it. Part of it includes getting you to be in the right place at the right time. He puts different people in your life at different times. You just have to surrender and trust Him.