As a Muslim, if there is something you want in life and you are not praying Tahajjud for it at night, then, you don't really want it. May Almighty Allah Grant us understanding.
Steps on how to perform the purification bath (Ghusl/Jannabat) in Islam. *Rules Regarding Ghusl and Wet Dreams for Men and Women*
*BED ~ WETTING & GUSL ~ JANABAH* *Rules Regarding Ghusl and Wet Dreams for Men and Women* *Q u e s t i o n s:* (1) I have learned that if a women who has reached puberty has an erotic dream and sees some discharge afterwards, she has to make Ghusl. (2) If she sees discharge alone without remembering a dream, she would also have to take Ghusl. But if she remembers only the dream without seeing discharge, she doesn’t have to take Ghusl. (3) What if a women constantly has discharge? How does she know when to take Ghusl and when not? (4) Can u briefly explain the step by step way of performing Gusl Janabah according to Sunnah? *R E S P O N S E* بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم *With regards to wet dreams, men and women have the similar rulings.* *So, if a man or woman has a wet dream and he/she sees wetness/discharge they are obliged to make Ghusl, even if they are not certain the wetness is from an ejaculation/orgasm. In other words, even if he/she has constant di...
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