Hijab is an Arabic word meaning barrier or
partition. In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of
modesty and includes behavior as well as dress for both males and females. The
most visible form of hijab is the head covering that many Muslim
women wear.
Today the hijab means many different things
for different people. For Islamic women who choose to wear the hijab it
allows them to retain their modesty, morals and freedom of choice. They choose
to cover because they believe it is liberating and allows them to avoid
I choose my path as a Muslima, I choose to wear the Hijab, I
choose to respect my body shape by Covering the Hijab sent by Allah for the
benefit if Mankind.
My Hijab is My Swagg,
My Hijab is My Beauty,
My Hijab is My Identity,
My Hijab is My Pride,
A hijab in common English usage is a veil worn by some Muslim
women in the presence of any male outside of their immediate family, which
usually covers the head and chest. The term can refer to any head, face, or body
covering worn by Muslim women that conforms to Islamic standards of modesty
SISTERS: Please learn to be yourself, learn not to mind what
people will say about you, Do what will please Allah alone not the world. Lower
your gaze, Cover the Hijab, you should also learn that without the Hijab on
you, You don't have the Swaggs you think you need. Forget about worldly things
and focused on Righteous Actions. NOTE: Everything you cherished in this world
will be separated from you @ Death. Vanity upon vanity. The Grave is our final
May Allah grant us understanding, and may He forgives us all our
shortcomings. Ameen.
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