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Why is Salah better than sleep

*Why is Salah better than sleep?*
Answer: Because sleep is answering the call of one's desire and Salah is answering the call of Allah Ta'aala
It is better than sleep because sleep is death and Salah is life
It is better than sleep because sleep is a relaxation for the body and Salah is a relaxation for the soul
It is better than sleep because the Mu'min and kaafir shares in sleeping whereas Salah is done only by a Mu'min
The people of Fajr is a successful people,  their faces are exhilarating, their foreheads are bright and their time is blessed
If you are one of them, then praise Allah Ta'aala for His bounty on you
If you're not, then pray to Allah Ta'aala to make you from amongst them
How beautiful is Fajr
Fulfilling it's Fardh will put you in the protection of Allah Ta'aala
It's Sunnah is better than the whole world and whatever it contains
It's recitation is being witnessed as Allah Ta'aala says: "Indeed, the recitation of Fajr is being witnessed."
Honourable brother and sister, whatever lifestyle a person leads, he will die on it. Whatever lifestyle a person leads, he will be resurrected on it.
If you read this message, you have received the reward that goes with it
if you made a firm intention to act on it and to let others benefit from it, your reward will be multiplied Inshaa-Allah Ta'aala
Do not conceal beneficial knowledge with which you will be rewarded if you share it
Glad tidings to you O you who perform Fajr.



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